Carbon Literacy Training for Breweries

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Completing the evidence form

Completing the evidence form

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After you have completed your online module and attended a workshop, you will need to complete an evidence form that is shared with the Carbon Literacy Project so they can issue a certificate to show you have completed your course.

Below is some guidelines and insight into what the certification team are looking for when they read your evidence forms.

A key thing to remember is the evidence form is all the Carbon Literacy Project have to assess whether or not you are are Carbon Literate

If you have any questions at all about the form, please don’t hesitate to email

Answering the question ‘what are the most important changes we need to make as a society to reach zero carbon?

For this question, have a think about some of the actions we talked about during the workshop. Renewable energy, circular economies, more active and public transport, less red meat and reducing food waste.

Give as much detail as you can in your answer, and refer back to lowering carbon emissions and avoiding climate change.

Finally, avoid talking about offsetting as the CLP are keen we focus on reducing emissions wherever possible, rather than finding excuses to continue with business as usual.


Below is a list of things the Carbon Literacy Project is looking for in pledges, with some examples from the CLP of answers that would and would not pass.

You are pledging a new action rather than continuting to do something you are already doing, or have been told to do by your organisation.

You are pledging an action which is significant

You have shown you understand the impact of the pledged action

On the form, you will be asked whether your action has a low/medium/high impact in reducing carbon emisssions. You should show a good understanding of the size of the impact. In the answers below, the learner who things cycling to work 1 day each month has a high impact without explaing why is not going to pass.

You show you understand the difference between actions which are good for the environment generally vs actions which mitigate climate change

Whilst actions like reducing waste, avoiding water polution and recycling are good things they have a small impact in preventing climate change.

You have explained the links between the action and mitigating climate change

You have explained how your action will reduce carbon emissions rather than just offset them.

Examples of individual actions

A good place to start is the WWF Carbon Footprint calculator. Choose one of their recommended actions and make sure you have included all the information the Carbon Literacy Project are looking for by checking the list above.

Examples of group actions

Return to the organisation action matrix you completed in a group during the workshop (these will have been emailed out after the course has finished).

Which action(s) could you take responsibility for and encourage others in your organisations to do the same? What will your specific role be?


Now that you have a better understanding of what the Carbon Literacy are looking for, double check the list below and tick off each item to ensure you have included all the necessary detail on your evidence form.

And remember: the evidence form is all the Carbon Literacy Projct have to assess whether or not you are are Carbon Literate.

  • You are pledging a new action

  • You are pledging an action which is significant

  • You have shown you understand of the impact of the pledged action

  • You are pledging an action which will take place in context with a workplace or group in the brewing sector

  • You show you understand the difference between actions which are good for the environment generally vs actions which mitigate climate change

  • You have explained the links between the action and mitigating climate change

  • You have explained how your action will reduce carbon emissions